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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 135/SC 2 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Non-destructive testing — Metallographic replica techniques of surface examination
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Metallographic replica techniques of surface examination
90.93 | |
Non-destructive testing — Aids to visual inspection — Selection of low-power magnifiers
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Aids to visual inspection — Selection of low-power magnifiers
90.93 | |
Non-destructive testing — Method for indirect assessment of black light sources
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing - Viewing conditions
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing — Viewing conditions
90.92 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing — Viewing conditions
10.99 |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 1: General principles
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 1: General principles
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 1: General principles
60.60 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials
60.60 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 3: Reference test blocks
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 3: Reference test blocks — Technical Corrigendum 1: .
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 3: Reference test blocks
90.92 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 3: Reference test blocks
10.99 |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 4: Equipment
90.60 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 5: Penetrant testing at temperatures higher than 50 degrees C
90.20 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 6: Penetrant testing at temperatures lower than 10 degrees C
90.20 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant inspection — General principles
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Liquid penetrant inspection — Means of verification
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing — Part 1: General principles
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing — Part 1: General principles
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing — Part 1: General principles
90.93 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing — Part 2: Detection media
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing — Part 2: Detection media
90.93 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing — Part 3: Equipment
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing — Part 3: Equipment
90.93 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant flaw detectors — General technical requirements
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Terminology - Terms used in penetrant testing
95.99 | |
Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Vocabulary
90.60 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic particle testing — Vocabulary
90.93 | |
Non-destructive testing — Magnetic flux leakage testing — Corrosion of steel plates and steel pipes of in-service equipment
30.20 |
Non-destructive testing — Visual testing with industrial endoscope — Part 1: Method
20.00 |
Non-destructive Testing — Visual testing with industrial endoscope — Part 2: Atlas
20.00 |
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