This document, used in conjunction with ISO 834-1, specifies a method for determining the fire resistance of door and shutter assemblies designed primarily for installation within openings incorporated in vertical separating elements, such as
— hinged and pivoted doors,
— horizontally sliding and vertically sliding doors, including articulated sliding doors and sectional doors,
— steel single-skin folding shutters (un-insulated),
— other sliding, folding doors,
— tilting doors,
— rolling shutter doors,
— removable panels in walls,
— self-closing openable windows.
Requirements are included for mechanical pre-conditioning, e.g. "cycling" of door and shutter assemblies prior to the conduct of the fire-resistance test.
Informaciones generales
Estado: PublicadoFecha de publicación: 2019-01Etapa: Norma Internacional para revisar [90.92]
Edición: 1Número de páginas: 52
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 92/SC 2
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RetiradaISO 3008:2007
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En desarrolloISO/PRF 3008-1