This document describes integrated measurement methods for short-lived radon‑222 decay products[4]. It gives indications for measuring the average potential alpha energy concentration of short‑lived radon-222 decay products in the air and the conditions of use for the measuring devices.
This document covers samples taken over periods varying from a few weeks to one year. This document is not applicable to systems with a maximum sampling duration of less than one week.
The measurement method described is applicable to air samples with potential alpha energy concentration of short-lived radon-222 decay products greater than 10 nJ/m3 and lower than 1 000 nJ/m3.
NOTE For informative purposes only, this document also addresses the case of radon-220 decay products, given the similarity in behaviour of the radon isotopes 222 and 220.
Informaciones generales
Estado: PublicadoFecha de publicación: 2019-09Etapa: Norma Internacional confirmada [90.93]
Edición: 2Número de páginas: 13
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 85/SC 2
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RetiradaISO 11665-2:2012