ISO 22000:2005, which gives the requirements for a food safety management system, is implemented by more than 700 organizations in some 60 countries. It and the supporting standards in the series can be used by any type of organization in the food chain, ranging from feed producers, primary producers through food manufacturers, transport and storage operators, including also subcontractors to retail and food service outlets.
The CD is designated the ISO Pack on Food Safety Management Systems and it includes the following standards and related documents:
- ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food chain and its corrigendum ISO 22000:2005/Cor1:2006 give the basic requirements for a food safety management system to ensure food safety along the food chain, up to the point of final consumption.
- ISO/TS 22004:2005, Food safety management systems - Guidance on the application of ISO 22000:2005 gives guidance on the use of ISO 22000, which is based on the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and is designed to be applied together with relevant standards published by that organization.
- ISO 22005:2007, Traceability in the feed and food chain - General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation gives the principles and specifies the basic requirements for the design and implementation of a feed and food traceability system.
- ISO/TS 22003:2007, Food safety management systems - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systems and ISO/IEC 17021:2006, Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems, have been developed for certification bodies and the accreditation bodies that approve them as competent. Certification of a food safety management system to ISO 22000 is not a requirement of the standard, but is one means of providing assurance that an organization has implemented a system for the management of food safety in line with its policy.
François Falconnet, Chair of ISO technical committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, which is responsible for the ISO 22000 series, comments: “As the introduction of food safety hazards can occur at any stage of the food chain, adequate control throughout the food chain is essential. That is why this ISO CD is very useful to harmonize good food safety practice worldwide, giving advice on how to implement a food safety management systems, facilitating traceability and building confidence in certification throughout supply chain”.
The ISO 22000 series was developed in collaboration with other interested organizations, for example, Codex Alimentarius and the ISO Committee on conformity assessment (ISO/CASCO), which is also responsible for ISO/IEC 1702.
The ISO Pack on Food Safety Management Systems on CD (bilingual, English and French) formats and costs 379 Swiss francs and is available from ISO national member institutes (see the complete list with contact details) and from ISO Central Secretariat through the ISO Store or by contacting the Marketing & Communication department (see right-hand column).