La collection SMRL est la bibliothèque de ressources et modules STEP, la norme pour l'échange de données sur les modèles de produits. Elle s'adresse à tous ceux qui envisagent d'adopter les protocoles d'application modulaires et modules d'application ISO 10303, les parties de cette norme relatives aux …
ISO/TS 10303-1621:2006 specifies the application module for AP210 interconnect requirement allocation.
ISO/TS 10303-1621:2006 deals with the representation of interconnect requirement allocation. Interconnect requirement allocation includes the following information:
- complete functional and physical requirements,
- complete capability to allocate enterprise or external agency requirements to interconnect function or physical design,
- model based requirement description using simulation models and models with assigned parametric data;
- capability to explicitly describe the required external connections for a printed wiring board or simple substrate;
- capability to segregate the required external connections from the required functions other than simple interconnect for printed circuit boards (including printed components).
Supporting data including document, authorization, product identification, external definition, and authorization are included.
The following are within the scope of ISO/TS 10303-1621:2006:
- requirement traceability between functional and physical requirements;
- inclusion of both functional and physical requirements in same requirement collection;
- inclusion of both functional and physical requirement allocation in design characteristic planning and evaluation.
Informations générales
État actuel: PubliéeDate de publication: 2006-12Stade: Norme internationale confirmée [90.93]
Edition: 1
Comité technique :ISO/TC 184/SC 4ICS :25.040.40
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Cycle de vie
PubliéeISO/TS 10303-1621:2006
Les normes ISO sont réexaminées tous les cinq ans
Stade: 90.93 (Confirmée)