Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 14720-2
Analyse des matériaux céramiques — Dosage du soufre dans les produits et les matières premières céramiques non oxydes — Partie 2: Spectrométrie d'émission optique par plasma à couplage inductif (ICP-OES) ou chromatographie ionique (IC) après combustion dans le courant d'oxygène
Numéro de référence
ISO/DIS 14720-2
Edition 2
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 14720-2
Projet de Norme internationale au stade enquête auprès des membres de l’ISO.
Remplacera ISO 14720-2:2013

ISO/DIS 14720-2

ISO/DIS 14720-2
CHF 65
Convertir les francs suisses (CHF) dans une autre devise


This part of ISO 14720 defines a method for the determination of sulfur in powdered and granular non-oxidic ceramic raw materials and materials, which are completely oxidized at a higher temperature in an oxygen atmosphere, e.g. carbon and graphite materials.

For materials which are not completely oxidizable under these conditions, it is possible to determine sulfur that can be released under these conditions, e.g. the adherent sulfur.

This part of ISO 14720 is applicable for materials with mass fractions of sulfur ≤ 10 % and mass fractions of ash < 20 %, The defined method is limited for materials with mass fractions of barium < 10 mg/kg, because the sulfur bonded in barium sulfate is not detectable with this method.

For the lower detection limit of this method, a mass fraction of sulfur of 0,5 mg/kg in the case of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP/OES) and 5 mg/kg in the case of ion chromatography (IC) has to be considered as a recommended value.

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