ISO 10303-47 specifies the integrated resource constructs for Shape variation tolerances.
The following are within the scope of ISO 10303-47:
- tolerances as constraints on the shape characteristics of a product;
- the specification of the tolerances on a defined shape;
- the representation of geometrical tolerances and plus-minus tolerances;
- the representation of tolerance values;
- the representation of dimensions;
- the assignment of size characteristics to a shape;
- the assignment of location and orientation characteristics to a shape;
- the specification of datums and datum systems that are established by referencing datums;
- the identification of derived shape elements such as centre lines and intersections;
- the structure for limit and fit systems for shapes.
Informations générales
État actuel: ProjetStade: Rapport complet diffusé: DIS approuvé pour enregistrement comme FDIS [40.99]
Edition: 7
Comité technique :ISO/TC 184/SC 4ICS :35.240.50
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PubliéeISO 10303-47:2024