Членство: Орган, являющийся членом

The Directorate General for Specifications and Measurements (DGSM), within the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is the National Standards Body in Oman. It was established by Royal Decree No. 39/76 issued on 20 October 1976, and its duties and functions were defined by Royal Decree No. 1/78 issued on 3 January 1978.
DGSM is responsible for the following activities:

  • Assaying of Precious Metals and testing of gem stones.
  • Issuing legislations and regulations for the accreditation of laboratories working in Oman in various fields of testing and calibration as well as the certification bodies and Inspection Bodies, Consultants and Consultancy offices for Management Systems.
  • Issuing legislations and regulations concerning Quality Control and Quality Assurance in coordination with other concerned bodies.
  • Providing testing and analytical services to the Government, public and private sector entrepreneurs.
  • Providing services concerning Quality Control and Quality Assurance, Product Certification Mark, Quality System Certification/Registration, Environmental Management System Certification/Registration, Hallmarking of gold jewelry, Conformity Assessment and Accreditation.
  • Testing and quality control of domestic and imported products and commodities.
  • Verification of Certificate of Conformity to Standard's for consignments of certain products imported into Oman.
  • Liaison and Cooperation in standardization and related activities on behalf of Sultanate of Oman, with other Standards Bodies and Organizations at National, AGCC, Regional and International level.

In addition, DGSM supervises the work of the National Enquiry Point and Information Centre (NEPIC) which is under the authority of the Undersecretary for Commerce and Industry. NEPIC was established for implementation of the WTO Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), and also to disseminate information and answer reasonable enquiries on these agreements to interested parties in Oman and in other Member Countries.

Directorate General for Standards and Metrology

Ministry of Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 550 - Postal code No. 100

Тел.: +968 2481 32 38
Факс: +968 2481 59 92
E-mail: nepic@business.gov.om

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