Членство: Орган, являющийся членом

ABNORM - the Agence Burkinabé de Normalisation, de la Métrologie et de la Qualité  is the only national structure responsible for developing standards.
One of ABNORM’s key objectives is to cover all Burkina Faso’s priority sectors for standardization (in particular the food, electro-technical, environmental, building and civil engineering sectors).

ABNORM engages in the following activities:

  1. Developing and disseminating national standards, technical specifications and codes of practice;

  2. Raising the awareness of economic operators and providing training in regard to standards and quality management tools;

  3. Ensuring quality control and inspection of products, goods and services, whether imported, exported or locally-produced;

  4. Ensuring the certification of products, systems or personnel to national or international standards;

  5. Ensuring the calibration of measurement instruments and their traceability to the International System of Units (SI);

  6. Advising and assisting industrial, commercial and services companies in standardization, certification, metrology and quality matters.

Agence Burkinabé de Normalisation, de Métrologie et de la Qualité

Avenue Ky Zerbo
01 BP 19
Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso

Тел.: +226 50 32 40 42
Факс: +226 50 31 29 73
E-mail: abnorm.bf@gmail.com

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