Final Draft
International Standard
ISO/FDIS 11365
Petroleum and related products — Maintenance and use of triaryl phosphate ester turbine control fluids — Guidance and requirements
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 11365
Edition 2
Окончательный проект Международный стандарт
ISO/FDIS 11365
недоступно на русском языке
Проект данного международного стандарта находится на этапе утверждения.
Текущее издание: ISO 11365:2017


ISO 11365:2017 is applicable to the use of triaryl phosphate esters as fire-resistant fluids for turbine control and other hydraulic systems in power generation. These fluids fall under category HFDR of ISO 6743‑4[1].

ISO 11365:2017 is intended to:

- assist the power equipment operator to maintain the fluid in a condition that will ensure the safe and reliable operation of the turbine while maximizing fluid life;

- recommend procedures for examining consignments of new fluid and monitoring the fluid in use;

- provide information on the safe handling, storage and disposal of the fluid;

- offer background information on the causes of fluid degradation.

Общая информация

  •  : В стадии разработки
    : Уведомление направлено в секретариат. Начало голосования по окончательному проекту международного стандарта: 2 мес. [50.20]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 28/SC 4
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