Утвержденный рабочий проект
ISO/AWI 6078
Black tea — Vocabulary
Ссылочный номер
ISO/AWI 6078
Версия 2
Утвержденный рабочий проект
ISO/AWI 6078
Проект данного международного стандарта был подготовлен рабочей группой.
Текущее издание: ISO 6078:1982


Provides a list of terms and definitions in English and French, applicable to the techniques of processing and assessing black tea for commerce. The terms are classified into: 1. dry leaf (appearance, colour, odour); 2. liquor (taste characteristics, appearance); 3. appearance of infused leaf; 4. method of manufacture; 5. general. Information about grades is included in an annex. Alphabetical indices are provided for both English and French terms.

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