Across the globe, societies need to adapt to changing demographics, with older people making up an increasing part of the population. With ISO standards covering areas from home care solutions to age-friendly urban design, you optimize your contribution to quality of life and independence for older adults.


Tech-enabled healthcare: How innovations are shaping the future of medicine

Health connects each one of us to one another. No matter where we are in the world, who we are or what we do, the state of our health is a key determinant in our quality of life. 

By Britta Berge and Anne Livingstone on

Foresight trend report: Embracing the silver society

The world is being reshaped by demographic changes, including age. These population shifts will have implications for every part of society, but particularly for employment models.

A 8945

By Roxane Oclarino on

A society for all ages

A new era where people are living longer has arrived. Standards aim to create societies where everyone can age with a purpose. 

Top standards

Ageing societies — Guidelines for promoting wellbeing in communities

Ageing societies — General requirements and guidelines for carer-inclusive organizations

Ageing societies — Accessibility and usability considerations for home healthcare products, related services and environments

Ageing societies — Framework for dementia-inclusive communities

Ageing societies — General requirements and guidelines for an age-inclusive workforce

Ageing societies — General requirements and guidelines for ageing-inclusive digital economy