Reference number
ISO 17201-4:2006
International Standard
ISO 17201-4:2006
Acoustics — Noise from shooting ranges — Part 4: Prediction of projectile sound
Edition 1
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ISO 17201-4:2006
Published (Edition 1, 2006)
This publication was last reviewed and confirmed in 2022. Therefore this version remains current.

ISO 17201-4:2006

ISO 17201-4:2006
CHF 132
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ISO 17201-4:2006 provides a computational model for determining the acoustical source level of projectile sound and its one-third-octave-band spectrum, expressed as the sound exposure level for nominal mid-band frequencies from 12,5 Hz to 10 kHz. It also gives guidance on how to use this source level to calculate the sound exposure level at a receiver position.

ISO 17201-4:2006 is intended for calibres of less than 20 mm, but can also be applied for large calibres. Additionally, the data can be used to compare sound emission from different types of ammunition used with the same weapon. This part of ISO 17201 is meant for weapons used in civil shooting ranges, but is also applicable to military weapons.

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