This collection is a standard for the exchange of product model data (STEP) module and resource library (SMRL). It is intended for those who are considering adopting ISO 10303 modular application protocols, application modules, and resource parts, or systems built on them, for product data representation …
ISO/TS 10303-1722:2019 specifies the application module for Part template.
The following are within the scope of ISO/TS 10303-1722:2019:
- the identification and classification of templates and their versions and definitions;
- the identification of areas on templates that are defined to be suitable for connection to external items when the template is applied in a design;
- the association between a simulation model and a template definition where the template definition provides a contextual basis for the definition of the parameters and ports of the simulation model;
General information
Status: PublishedPublication date: 2019-11Stage: International Standard confirmed [90.93]
Edition: 5Number of pages: 11
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 184/SC 4ICS :25.040.40
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Life cycle
WithdrawnISO/TS 10303-1722:2018