The scope is equivalence validation of product data. Product data may travel between two or more IT systems during design and manufacturing processes. Data translation is applied as necessary during that travel. Or product data may be reused after long-term data retention. In these scenarios, validation of whether or not translated product data can be regarded as equivalent to the product data before translation plays a key role in confirming usability of the translated product data. Equivalence validation of product data is beneficial for all types of manufacturers. Therefore, this work will add value to the existing SC 4 standards. The target data of equivalence validation in the current edition is limited to exact Brep shape data and assembly data. This edition expands the target data types to triangulated shape data, PMI data, and display attributes such as color and transparency. These enhancements correspond to common demands of manufacturing industries such as the automotive industry, aerospace industry, electric/electronic industry, and other manufacturing industries. Triangulated shape data is often generated from Brep data for purposes such as lightweight visualization. Equivalence validation between the derived triangulated shape data and the original Brep data is important to guarantee reliability of the derived data, but it is not supported by the current standard. Demands for both graphical and semantic PMI data are increasing in any industry utilizing mechanical 3D CAD. There is a draft standard for equivalence validation of graphical PMI data. This project will complete the draft document and will also develop standards for semantic PMI data. Color and transparency are used not only for visualization but also to convey various semantics, such as manufacturing methods, tolerance information, and so on. Although the usage is often based on local rules, representation of these display attributes in STEP AP242 is established now and they are important in many use cases. Equivalence validation of color and transparency will increase the reliability of CAD data in many use cases.
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Текущий статус: В стадии разработки
You can help develop this draft international standard by contacting your national member
Этап: Начало голосования по проекту между-народно-го стандарта: 3 мес. [40.20] -
Версия: 2
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 184/SC 4ICS :35.240.50
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